Credible reporting of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions is a vital component in any strategy to reduce an entity’s impact on the climate. Independent third-party assurance is the best way to identify issues and disclose emissions transparently.

The importance of quantifying the GHG emissions generated by an organization’s activities cannot be understated when it comes to setting and achieving meaningful climate goals. Accurate GHG accounting enables businesses to set appropriate emission baselines and to track progress toward targets like net zero.

ERM CVS offers Greenhouse Gas emission assurance to give our clients (and other stakeholders) confidence that their disclosures are accurate, reliable and correctly aligned with the protocols and standards against which they are reported.

Throughout our GHG assurance engagements, we leverage our expertise in reporting procedures, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, to fulfil our role as an independent verifier. This means we review our clients work and data, to identify methodology issues, coverage gaps and inaccurate data presentation. The result of our assurance process is that the GHG disclosures assured by ERM CVS are an accurate reflection of our client’s emissions.

Each ERM CVS assurance project is tailored to meet the specific needs of the client. This means standalone GHG-focused engagements are available, but GHG emissions assurance can also be integrated into a broader scope of ESG verification work.